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2023 Grand Prix Polski Rally.

Hello to all Racing.ca members,

On October 18th-22nd, 2023 we took part in the 2023 Grand Prix Polski Historic rally in Poland.
This time our team was represented by Piotr and Lukasz Nytko, Piotr was a driver and Lukasz took the spot of the co-driver. Nytko Motorsport has taken part in historic rally events in Poland since 2012, and represents TAC and FIA Canada ASN.

The Grand Prix Polski is the most difficult event for cars produced before the year 1993, with some exemptions till the end of 1996, the total distance of this event was 1394km.
We start in the capital city of Warsaw, with a very special stage “Karowa” in the center of the old part of the city. That historic stage in Poland is something like Col de Turini at the Rallye Monte Carlo. After that, we did a performance stage, and time trails at the 5 race tracks (Modlin, Slomczyn, Lodz, Kielce, and Wyrazow) across Poland.
Also, during the route we had Regularity stages, a total number of 24, with very tight time for transit between RT. Most of them were in the southwestern part of Poland, in a beautiful Sudety mountain.
The final result for us at GPP was 13th place overall, during the last day we got a 15-minute penalty at the time control, due to the very tight time allowed, which made us drop from the podium.
Anyway, every rally is a new experience and pointers to improve our performance for the next events in the future.
I want to express my gratitude to Piotr Kostrzewski, the rally organizers, and all the rally support crew.
More pictures from the rally you can find on our Facebook page at the link below - www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.856889323030200&type=3

Lukasz (Lukas) Nytko
Nytko Motorsport

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