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2023 FIA ECO Dolomites GT rally - YouTube short film.
2023 FIA ECO Dolomites GT rally.
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2022 FIA ECO Dolomites GT

Hello everyone,

On November 17th-19th, 2022 we took part in the last round of the 2022 FIA ECO Rally Cup at the ECO Dolomites GT in Fiera di Primiero, Italy. This time our team was represented by Piotr and Lukasz Nytko, Piotr was a driver and Lukasz took the spot of the co-driver.

Nytko Motorsport has taken part in FIA Eco rallies since 2013, representing FIA Canada ASN and Toronto Autosport Club on this international motorsport stage. I’m sure some members will still remember our victory at the 2014 Rallye Monte Carlo EN in Monaco with our Toyota Yaris Hybrid.

Since 2016, the Cup has changed to electric and hydrogen cars only. This caused significant effort in securing a vehicle for this event and thanks to Daniel Campisi, who lent us his personal Tesla Model X for the rally, we were able to compete in Italy.

Now, some info about the rally; 3 days of competition were divided into 4 legs, with 4 separate Road Books which were handed out only an hour before the start. The 441 km route was from Fiera di Primiero - Ortisei - Fiera di Primiero, with 17 regularity stages and average speeds between 36 to 41 km/h. Amazing roads with fantastic mountain views which at times distract you during the stages especially when viewed from the helicopter-like cockpit of the Tesla. Some road sections were already snow-covered adding to the difficulty of the event. The organizer also added some extra excitement by making the transit section a bit short on time so reaching the checkpoints required some creative driving :)

Our performance was very good given being unfamiliar with the car. We were able to achieve a second place on one stage and stayed in the top 10 on the rest of the stages. We experienced some technical difficulties at the beginning of the event when our Terra Trip rally computer lost the GPS signal. Quick thinking and the navigational part we did use a spare iPad while in Regularity Stages and utilized our Rallymeter app.

Thanks to fantastic organizers and wonderful scenery, this event is on top of our list in the European regularity rally calendar, not to mention fantastic Italian hospitality and family atmosphere.

The event also had a very good number of international entries with 18 top teams from all over Europe and us from Canada :) It was nice to see our fellow competitors, after such a long time, some of them we have known personally for almost 10 years now.

The final result for us - 1st place in Tesla Class, 10th place in Regularity Classification, 12th place in Performance Index, 13th place in Combined regularity and energy consumption.

Special thanks to the organizers of the rally Annalisa Zortea & Mario Montanucci Pignatelli, Daniel Campisi, Stefano Torcellan, Nicola Ventura, all FIA officials, and technical support.

More pictures from the rally you can find on our Facebook page at the link below - www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.603975641654904&type=3


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